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Self-management - Psoriasis - beta

Psoriasis may be a minor irritation for some people. But it can significantly impact the quality of life for those severely affected.

If you have psoriasis, you may find the following advice helpful.


Self-care is an essential part of your daily life. It involves taking responsibility for your own health and wellbeing with support from those involved in your care.

Self-care includes:

  • staying fit
  • maintaining good physical and mental health
  • preventing illness or accidents
  • caring more for minor illnesses and long-term conditions.

People with long-term conditions can benefit from self-care. They can live longer; have less pain, anxiety, depression and fatigue. They have a better quality of life and be more active and independent. Having a care plan will help you manage your treatment so that it fits your lifestyle.

Psoriasis and Psoriatic Arthritis Alliance (PAPAA): self help

Keep up your treatment

It's important to use your treatment as prescribed, even if your psoriasis improves. Continuous treatment can help prevent flare-ups. Talk to your GP if you have any questions or concerns about your treatment or any side effects,

Regular reviews

Because psoriasis is usually a long-term condition, you may be in regular contact with your healthcare team. Discuss your symptoms or concerns with them, as the more the team knows, the more they can help you.

Healthy eating and exercise

Regular exercise and a healthy diet are recommended for everyone, not just people with psoriasis.They can help to prevent many health problems. Eating a healthy, balanced diet and exercising regularly can also relieve stress. This may improve your psoriasis.

Emotional impact of psoriasis

Low self-esteem and anxiety are common among people with the condition. This can lead to depression, especially if the psoriasis gets worse.

Your GP or dermatologist will understand the psychological and emotional impact of psoriasis. Talk to them about your concerns or anxieties.

PAPAA: psychological aspects of psoriasis

Some people with psoriasis develop psoriatic arthritis. This causes tenderness, pain and swelling in the joints and connective tissue, as well as stiffness. It can affect any joint in the body but often affects the hands, feet, knees, neck, spine and elbows.

Most people develop psoriatic arthritis after psoriasis. Some people develop it before they're diagnosed with psoriasis.

There's no single test for psoriatic arthritis. It's normally diagnosed using a combination of methods. These include looking at your medical history, physical examinations, blood tests, X-rays and MRI scans. If you have psoriasis, you'll usually have an annual assessment to look for signs of psoriatic arthritis.

If your doctor thinks you have psoriatic arthritis, they'll refer you to a rheumatologist.

Arthritis Ireland: psoriatic arthritis

PAPAA: psoriatic arthritis

Psoriasis Association: psoriatic arthritis


Psoriasis doesn't affect fertility. Women with psoriasis can have a normal pregnancy and a healthy baby. Some women find their psoriasis improves during pregnancy, but for others it gets worse.

Talk to your healthcare team if you're thinking of having a baby. Some treatments for psoriasis can be harmful to a developing baby. You should use contraception while taking them. This can apply to both men and women, depending on the medication. Your healthcare team can suggest the best ways to control your psoriasis before you start trying for a family.

Talk to others

Many people with psoriasis have found that getting involved in support groups helps. Support groups can increase your self-confidence and reduce feelings of isolation. They can also give you practical advice about living with the condition.

Content supplied by the NHS and adapted for Ireland by the HSE

Page last reviewed: 29 January 2019
Next review due: 29 January 2022

This project has received funding from the Government of Ireland’s Sláintecare Integration Fund 2019 under Grant Agreement Number 123.